The Computer Expert Woman is a character from Arthur's Computer Adventure. She works at Computer Castle store (which is a computer repair shop) selling computer games. As a last resort for fixing the computer, Arthur, D.W, and Buster go to the computer repair shop (the other two failed attempts was the computer manuals and the Brain). So for a final attempt, the trio went to the computer repair shop and ask a computer expert person for a solution. There was a computer expert woman. Arthur then asks the computer expert woman for a solution. When Arthur explained his problem, the computer expert, she explained to Arthur how much a house call and hourly fees would cost. By that meaning, her explanation of how much house calls and hourly fees would cost was the best solution she had. Arthur then says it might be more birthday money than he would ever see in his whole life. He said, "I am afraid that's going to be more birthday money that I could ever see in my whole life!". Once again, this attempt (for fixing computer) failed.
- I did it! I found the thing!