Little Monster and the Three People is a fairy tale story (read by Mr. Grithix) in the "Living Books" game Little Monster at School. This is on page 12 of the book.
One fine morning in a place not too far away, a little monster was out in the meadow playing ball.
Little Monster's aim had never been very good.
He went into the house. And finding nobody home, he decided to look for the ball himself.
He looked under the table and under the chairs. But he couldn't find that ball anywhere.
As he was looking under the beds, he heard the people coming home.
"SOMEONE'S BEEN LOOKING IN OUR HOUSE!", the father said, as he noticed the broken window.
"Someone's been playing ball in my porridge! And there he is!", said the wee little person.
They all turned to see the Little Monster.
"Thanks for my ball!", said Little Monster.
And that's the end of today's story.
"Well, I do hope that we live happily ever after", said the mother.
- This story (read by Mr. Grithix) is a parody of the classic fairy tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears. By that line of reasoning, this is a role reversal of the Goldilocks and the Three Bears story.